ESG Policy page

Serac Life Sciences Environmental, Social and Governance Policy

Serac Life Sciences and its subsidiaries (SLS) seek to operate ethically and responsibly at all times, with respect for individuals and society as a whole. Our policies related to our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) responsibilities, set out in this document, reflect this.

This Policy document is reviewed and updated at least annually and approved by the Chief Operations Officer on behalf of the Board of Directors. It applies to Serac Life Sciences and its subsidiaries.

Corporate Environmental Responsibility

Serac Life Sciences (SLS) aims to be an environmentally friendly company and it is our intention to promote a policy that is focused on being green aware. The following points are illustrations of this:

Recycling and Conservation

SLS will:

  • Aim to minimize the waste produced by the company and from suppliers. More information is available in the Serac Life Sciences Employee handbook under the “Wastage” section.
  • Encourage reuse/recycling of packaging and other materials.
  • Utilize electronic communications/purchase orders wherever possible, to minimize the amount of printing and amount of wastepaper.
  • Use electronic approvals of documents where possible to minimize the requirement for printing.

Sustainable Procurement

SLS will:

  • Aim to choose ESG-conscious suppliers where possible
  • Ethically source materials to promote a sense of transparency within the company.
  • Seek to minimize environmental damage caused through the transportation of goods by sourcing materials and services locally where possible.

Sustainable Travel

SLS is a fully remote working company, avoiding the environmental impact of regular commuting of our employees, consultants, and contractors. Employees occasionally travel for site visits or company meetings and are encouraged to use public transport to UK destinations where possible.

Sustainable emissions

The company encourages employees to be more energy efficient and find ways to reduce their carbon footprint e.g: switch to energy-saving lightbulbs, turn off the PCs or monitors after finishing work, use natural light by opening up blinds, curtains, windows, and doors, choose eco-friendly office equipment like recycled paper, use digital notes where possible.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The Company recognizes its corporate and social responsibilities towards employees, shareholders, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Products developed by the company are intended to expand access to affordable healthcare and to improve the management of those living with chronic health conditions, contributing to improved quality of life and to reduced societal healthcare costs.

We are committed to the well-being and continual development of the people in our employment. Our CSR policy focuses on the following key areas:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion commitment is a core part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, focused on ensuring that people with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and life experiences join, and then thrive, in our firm and our industry. The Serac Life Sciences Employee handbook details the Equality, Inclusion, and Diversity policy.

All employees are invited to participate in the company share option scheme in order to share in the success of the SLS group.

Employee Health & Safety

The Company is committed to having a safe working environment. To maintain a safe and secure work environment, SLS deploys a health and safety policy and trains employees on safe working practices.

Employee well being

We provide health insurance coverage for employees, and we look after employees experiencing problems with illness or stress. In this context, we work with relevant external parties to offer support and assistance via a fully confidential Employee Assistance Program and private healthcare coverage

Employee training

We actively encourage professional development through employee training opportunities appropriate to the individual roles and responsibilities.


We favour contractors and suppliers who support sustainable development. We follow a pre-defined process to evaluate/audit our critical suppliers.

Corporate Governance Responsibility

We are committed to conducting our business with honesty, integrity, and respect. The Board recognises the importance of strong corporate governance and that a good governance framework should evolve as the Company’s business, and the environment in which those businesses operate, develop.

The Board of Directors

We have an effective Board composition with the balance of skills, backgrounds, experience, and knowledge with individual directors having sufficient capacity to make a valuable contribution. The Board establishes broad corporate policies for the Company, sets the strategic direction, and oversees management with a focus on enhancing the interests of shareholders.

The Board is also responsible for the corporate governance of the Company and for overseeing management’s identification and management of risks.

Code of Business Conduct & Ethics

We will always conduct business with integrity and respect to human rights. We will promote:

  • Safe and fair dealing
  • Respect towards the consumer
  • Anti-bribery and anti-corruption practices

The Serac Life Sciences Employee handbook details information on Anti-Bribery, Anti-harassment, and anti-bullying policy.


Our company will:

  • Respect the law
  • Honour its internal policies
  • Ensure that all its business operations are legitimate

Data Protection & Privacy

SLS Data Protection Policy refers to our commitment to treat information of employees, customers, shareholders and other stakeholders with the utmost care and confidentiality. The Serac Life Sciences Employee handbook details how the company protects & processes confidential data.


Through transparency, we strive to be accessible to investors and stakeholders and to be responsive to requests for information and timely in our communication. We provide the investors with an investment proposal before investing and they receive shareholder updates of the progress.


SLS complies with relevant tax laws and is aware of the laws that are in place relating to tax evasion. Serac Life Sciences Employee handbook details information on Anti-facilitation of Tax Evasion.